In total 6664 matching search results.

Retrieval date: September 23, 2024

Cape Robin-chat

Scientific name: Dessonornis caffer
Family: Muscicapidae
IUCN Red List status: LC
CITES status: not listed
Trade evidence: yes
Proportion Wild-caught: majority
Conservation Concern due to Domestic trade: unknown
Conservation Concern due to International trade: low
Population Declines due to Trade: no
Level of Difficulty of Captive Breeding: normal
Captive Breeding Effort: rare
Selective Breeding for Altered Phenotypes: no
Subspecies in trade: no

Mbulu Robin-chat

Scientific name: Dessonornis mbuluensis
Family: Muscicapidae
IUCN Red List status: LC
CITES status: not listed
Trade evidence: no
Proportion Wild-caught: n.a.
Conservation Concern due to Domestic trade: n.a.
Conservation Concern due to International trade: n.a.
Population Declines due to Trade: n.a.
Level of Difficulty of Captive Breeding: unknown
Captive Breeding Effort: unknown
Selective Breeding for Altered Phenotypes: no
Subspecies in trade: n.a.

Rusty-flanked Robin-chat

Scientific name: Dessonornis macclounii
Family: Muscicapidae
IUCN Red List status: LC
CITES status: not listed
Trade evidence: no
Proportion Wild-caught: n.a.
Conservation Concern due to Domestic trade: n.a.
Conservation Concern due to International trade: n.a.
Population Declines due to Trade: n.a.
Level of Difficulty of Captive Breeding: unknown
Captive Breeding Effort: unknown
Selective Breeding for Altered Phenotypes: no
Subspecies in trade: n.a.

Olive-flanked Robin-chat

Scientific name: Dessonornis anomalus
Family: Muscicapidae
IUCN Red List status: NT
CITES status: not listed
Trade evidence: no
Proportion Wild-caught: n.a.
Conservation Concern due to Domestic trade: n.a.
Conservation Concern due to International trade: n.a.
Population Declines due to Trade: n.a.
Level of Difficulty of Captive Breeding: unknown
Captive Breeding Effort: unknown
Selective Breeding for Altered Phenotypes: no
Subspecies in trade: n.a.

Archer's Robin-chat

Scientific name: Dessonornis archeri
Family: Muscicapidae
IUCN Red List status: LC
CITES status: not listed
Trade evidence: no
Proportion Wild-caught: n.a.
Conservation Concern due to Domestic trade: n.a.
Conservation Concern due to International trade: n.a.
Population Declines due to Trade: n.a.
Level of Difficulty of Captive Breeding: unknown
Captive Breeding Effort: unknown
Selective Breeding for Altered Phenotypes: no
Subspecies in trade: n.a.

White-throated Robin-chat

Scientific name: Dessonornis humeralis
Family: Muscicapidae
IUCN Red List status: LC
CITES status: not listed
Trade evidence: no
Proportion Wild-caught: n.a.
Conservation Concern due to Domestic trade: n.a.
Conservation Concern due to International trade: n.a.
Population Declines due to Trade: n.a.
Level of Difficulty of Captive Breeding: unknown
Captive Breeding Effort: unknown
Selective Breeding for Altered Phenotypes: no
Subspecies in trade: n.a.

European Robin

Scientific name: Erithacus rubecula
Family: Muscicapidae
IUCN Red List status: LC
CITES status: Appendix III (Ukraine)
Trade evidence: yes
Proportion Wild-caught: minority
Conservation Concern due to Domestic trade: low
Conservation Concern due to International trade: moderate
Population Declines due to Trade: no
Level of Difficulty of Captive Breeding: normal
Captive Breeding Effort: irregular
Selective Breeding for Altered Phenotypes: no
Subspecies in trade: no
References: 020, 047, 103, 328,

White-starred Robin

Scientific name: Pogonocichla stellata
Family: Muscicapidae
IUCN Red List status: LC
CITES status: not listed
Trade evidence: possible
Proportion Wild-caught: unknown
Conservation Concern due to Domestic trade: unknown
Conservation Concern due to International trade: unknown
Population Declines due to Trade: no
Level of Difficulty of Captive Breeding: unknown
Captive Breeding Effort: unknown
Selective Breeding for Altered Phenotypes: no
Subspecies in trade: no
References: 342,

Mountain Robin-chat

Scientific name: Oreocossypha isabellae
Family: Muscicapidae
IUCN Red List status: LC
CITES status: not listed
Trade evidence: no
Proportion Wild-caught: n.a.
Conservation Concern due to Domestic trade: n.a.
Conservation Concern due to International trade: n.a.
Population Declines due to Trade: n.a.
Level of Difficulty of Captive Breeding: unknown
Captive Breeding Effort: unknown
Selective Breeding for Altered Phenotypes: no
Subspecies in trade: n.a.

White-bellied Robin-chat

Scientific name: Cossyphicula roberti
Family: Muscicapidae
IUCN Red List status: LC
CITES status: not listed
Trade evidence: no
Proportion Wild-caught: n.a.
Conservation Concern due to Domestic trade: n.a.
Conservation Concern due to International trade: n.a.
Population Declines due to Trade: n.a.
Level of Difficulty of Captive Breeding: unknown
Captive Breeding Effort: unknown
Selective Breeding for Altered Phenotypes: no
Subspecies in trade: n.a.

Swynnerton's Robin

Scientific name: Swynnertonia swynnertoni
Family: Muscicapidae
IUCN Red List status: VU
CITES status: not listed
Trade evidence: no
Proportion Wild-caught: n.a.
Conservation Concern due to Domestic trade: n.a.
Conservation Concern due to International trade: n.a.
Population Declines due to Trade: n.a.
Level of Difficulty of Captive Breeding: unknown
Captive Breeding Effort: unknown
Selective Breeding for Altered Phenotypes: no
Subspecies in trade: n.a.

Red-throated Alethe

Scientific name: Chamaetylas poliophrys
Family: Muscicapidae
IUCN Red List status: LC
CITES status: not listed
Trade evidence: no
Proportion Wild-caught: n.a.
Conservation Concern due to Domestic trade: n.a.
Conservation Concern due to International trade: n.a.
Population Declines due to Trade: n.a.
Level of Difficulty of Captive Breeding: unknown
Captive Breeding Effort: unknown
Selective Breeding for Altered Phenotypes: no
Subspecies in trade: n.a.

Brown-chested Alethe

Scientific name: Chamaetylas poliocephala
Family: Muscicapidae
IUCN Red List status: LC
CITES status: not listed
Trade evidence: no
Proportion Wild-caught: n.a.
Conservation Concern due to Domestic trade: n.a.
Conservation Concern due to International trade: n.a.
Population Declines due to Trade: n.a.
Level of Difficulty of Captive Breeding: unknown
Captive Breeding Effort: unknown
Selective Breeding for Altered Phenotypes: no
Subspecies in trade: n.a.

White-chested Alethe

Scientific name: Chamaetylas fuelleborni
Family: Muscicapidae
IUCN Red List status: LC
CITES status: not listed
Trade evidence: no
Proportion Wild-caught: n.a.
Conservation Concern due to Domestic trade: n.a.
Conservation Concern due to International trade: n.a.
Population Declines due to Trade: n.a.
Level of Difficulty of Captive Breeding: unknown
Captive Breeding Effort: unknown
Selective Breeding for Altered Phenotypes: no
Subspecies in trade: n.a.

Thyolo Alethe

Scientific name: Chamaetylas choloensis
Family: Muscicapidae
IUCN Red List status: VU
CITES status: not listed
Trade evidence: no
Proportion Wild-caught: n.a.
Conservation Concern due to Domestic trade: n.a.
Conservation Concern due to International trade: n.a.
Population Declines due to Trade: n.a.
Level of Difficulty of Captive Breeding: unknown
Captive Breeding Effort: unknown
Selective Breeding for Altered Phenotypes: no
Subspecies in trade: n.a.

Blue-shouldered Robin-chat

Scientific name: Cossypha cyanocampter
Family: Muscicapidae
IUCN Red List status: LC
CITES status: not listed
Trade evidence: possible
Proportion Wild-caught: unknown
Conservation Concern due to Domestic trade: unknown
Conservation Concern due to International trade: unknown
Population Declines due to Trade: no
Level of Difficulty of Captive Breeding: unknown
Captive Breeding Effort: unknown
Selective Breeding for Altered Phenotypes: no
Subspecies in trade: no
References: 342,

Rüppell's Robin-Chat

Scientific name: Cossypha semirufa
Family: Muscicapidae
IUCN Red List status: LC
CITES status: not listed
Trade evidence: yes
Proportion Wild-caught: majority
Conservation Concern due to Domestic trade: unknown
Conservation Concern due to International trade: low
Population Declines due to Trade: no
Level of Difficulty of Captive Breeding: normal
Captive Breeding Effort: rare
Selective Breeding for Altered Phenotypes: no
Subspecies in trade: no
References: 113, 116,

White-browed Robin-chat

Scientific name: Cossypha heuglini
Family: Muscicapidae
IUCN Red List status: LC
CITES status: not listed
Trade evidence: yes
Proportion Wild-caught: majority
Conservation Concern due to Domestic trade: unknown
Conservation Concern due to International trade: moderate
Population Declines due to Trade: no
Level of Difficulty of Captive Breeding: normal
Captive Breeding Effort: irregular
Selective Breeding for Altered Phenotypes: no
Subspecies in trade: no
References: 047, 113, 266, 301,

Red-capped Robin-chat

Scientific name: Cossypha natalensis
Family: Muscicapidae
IUCN Red List status: LC
CITES status: not listed
Trade evidence: yes
Proportion Wild-caught: majority
Conservation Concern due to Domestic trade: unknown
Conservation Concern due to International trade: low
Population Declines due to Trade: no
Level of Difficulty of Captive Breeding: normal
Captive Breeding Effort: rare
Selective Breeding for Altered Phenotypes: no
Subspecies in trade: no
References: 266,

Chorister Robin-chat

Scientific name: Cossypha dichroa
Family: Muscicapidae
IUCN Red List status: LC
CITES status: not listed
Trade evidence: no
Proportion Wild-caught: n.a.
Conservation Concern due to Domestic trade: n.a.
Conservation Concern due to International trade: n.a.
Population Declines due to Trade: n.a.
Level of Difficulty of Captive Breeding: unknown
Captive Breeding Effort: unknown
Selective Breeding for Altered Phenotypes: no
Subspecies in trade: n.a.

White-headed Robin-chat

Scientific name: Cossypha heinrichi
Family: Muscicapidae
IUCN Red List status: VU
CITES status: not listed
Trade evidence: possible
Proportion Wild-caught: unknown
Conservation Concern due to Domestic trade: unknown
Conservation Concern due to International trade: unknown
Population Declines due to Trade: no
Level of Difficulty of Captive Breeding: unknown
Captive Breeding Effort: unknown
Selective Breeding for Altered Phenotypes: no
Subspecies in trade: no
References: 342,

Snowy-crowned Robin-chat

Scientific name: Cossypha niveicapilla
Family: Muscicapidae
IUCN Red List status: LC
CITES status: not listed
Trade evidence: yes
Proportion Wild-caught: minority
Conservation Concern due to Domestic trade: unknown
Conservation Concern due to International trade: moderate
Population Declines due to Trade: no
Level of Difficulty of Captive Breeding: normal
Captive Breeding Effort: irregular
Selective Breeding for Altered Phenotypes: no
Subspecies in trade: no

White-crowned Robin-chat

Scientific name: Cossypha albicapillus
Family: Muscicapidae
IUCN Red List status: LC
CITES status: not listed
Trade evidence: yes
Proportion Wild-caught: minority
Conservation Concern due to Domestic trade: unknown
Conservation Concern due to International trade: low
Population Declines due to Trade: no
Level of Difficulty of Captive Breeding: normal
Captive Breeding Effort: irregular
Selective Breeding for Altered Phenotypes: no
Subspecies in trade: no

Orange-breasted Forest-robin

Scientific name: Stiphrornis erythrothorax
Family: Muscicapidae
IUCN Red List status: LC
CITES status: not listed
Trade evidence: possible
Proportion Wild-caught: unknown
Conservation Concern due to Domestic trade: unknown
Conservation Concern due to International trade: unknown
Population Declines due to Trade: no
Level of Difficulty of Captive Breeding: unknown
Captive Breeding Effort: unknown
Selective Breeding for Altered Phenotypes: no
Subspecies in trade: no
References: 342,

Yellow-breasted Forest-robin

Scientific name: Stiphrornis xanthogaster
Family: Muscicapidae
IUCN Red List status: LC
CITES status: not listed
Trade evidence: no
Proportion Wild-caught: n.a.
Conservation Concern due to Domestic trade: n.a.
Conservation Concern due to International trade: n.a.
Population Declines due to Trade: n.a.
Level of Difficulty of Captive Breeding: unknown
Captive Breeding Effort: unknown
Selective Breeding for Altered Phenotypes: no
Subspecies in trade: n.a.
Recommended citation: General citation: Bruslund, S. et al. (2023). Songbirds in Trade Database (version 1.0). Monitor Conservation Research Society. Accessed on September 23, 2024 at
Individual species citation: Bruslund, S. et al. (2023). [species scientific name] in Songbirds in Trade Database (version 1.0). Monitor Conservation Research Society. Accessed on September 23, 2024 at