In total 6664 matching search results.

Retrieval date: September 29, 2024

Green-backed Gerygone

Scientific name: Gerygone chloronota
Family: Acanthizidae
IUCN Red List status: LC
CITES status: not listed
Trade evidence: no
Proportion Wild-caught: n.a.
Conservation Concern due to Domestic trade: n.a.
Conservation Concern due to International trade: n.a.
Population Declines due to Trade: n.a.
Level of Difficulty of Captive Breeding: unknown
Captive Breeding Effort: unknown
Selective Breeding for Altered Phenotypes: no
Subspecies in trade: n.a.

Plain Gerygone

Scientific name: Gerygone inornata
Family: Acanthizidae
IUCN Red List status: LC
CITES status: not listed
Trade evidence: no
Proportion Wild-caught: n.a.
Conservation Concern due to Domestic trade: n.a.
Conservation Concern due to International trade: n.a.
Population Declines due to Trade: n.a.
Level of Difficulty of Captive Breeding: unknown
Captive Breeding Effort: unknown
Selective Breeding for Altered Phenotypes: no
Subspecies in trade: n.a.

White-throated Gerygone

Scientific name: Gerygone olivacea
Family: Acanthizidae
IUCN Red List status: LC
CITES status: not listed
Trade evidence: no
Proportion Wild-caught: n.a.
Conservation Concern due to Domestic trade: n.a.
Conservation Concern due to International trade: n.a.
Population Declines due to Trade: n.a.
Level of Difficulty of Captive Breeding: unknown
Captive Breeding Effort: unknown
Selective Breeding for Altered Phenotypes: no
Subspecies in trade: n.a.

Golden-bellied Gerygone

Scientific name: Gerygone sulphurea
Family: Acanthizidae
IUCN Red List status: LC
CITES status: not listed
Trade evidence: yes
Proportion Wild-caught: majority
Conservation Concern due to Domestic trade: low
Conservation Concern due to International trade: unknown
Population Declines due to Trade: no
Level of Difficulty of Captive Breeding: very hard
Captive Breeding Effort: rare
Selective Breeding for Altered Phenotypes: no
Subspecies in trade: no
References: 216, 217, 227,

Biak Gerygone

Scientific name: Gerygone hypoxantha
Family: Acanthizidae
IUCN Red List status: VU
CITES status: not listed
Trade evidence: no
Proportion Wild-caught: n.a.
Conservation Concern due to Domestic trade: n.a.
Conservation Concern due to International trade: n.a.
Population Declines due to Trade: n.a.
Level of Difficulty of Captive Breeding: unknown
Captive Breeding Effort: unknown
Selective Breeding for Altered Phenotypes: no
Subspecies in trade: n.a.

Large-billed Gerygone

Scientific name: Gerygone magnirostris
Family: Acanthizidae
IUCN Red List status: LC
CITES status: not listed
Trade evidence: no
Proportion Wild-caught: n.a.
Conservation Concern due to Domestic trade: n.a.
Conservation Concern due to International trade: n.a.
Population Declines due to Trade: n.a.
Level of Difficulty of Captive Breeding: unknown
Captive Breeding Effort: unknown
Selective Breeding for Altered Phenotypes: no
Subspecies in trade: n.a.

Rufous-sided Gerygone

Scientific name: Gerygone dorsalis
Family: Acanthizidae
IUCN Red List status: LC
CITES status: not listed
Trade evidence: no
Proportion Wild-caught: n.a.
Conservation Concern due to Domestic trade: n.a.
Conservation Concern due to International trade: n.a.
Population Declines due to Trade: n.a.
Level of Difficulty of Captive Breeding: unknown
Captive Breeding Effort: unknown
Selective Breeding for Altered Phenotypes: no
Subspecies in trade: n.a.

Dusky Gerygone

Scientific name: Gerygone tenebrosa
Family: Acanthizidae
IUCN Red List status: LC
CITES status: not listed
Trade evidence: no
Proportion Wild-caught: n.a.
Conservation Concern due to Domestic trade: n.a.
Conservation Concern due to International trade: n.a.
Population Declines due to Trade: n.a.
Level of Difficulty of Captive Breeding: unknown
Captive Breeding Effort: unknown
Selective Breeding for Altered Phenotypes: no
Subspecies in trade: n.a.

Rennell Gerygone

Scientific name: Gerygone citrina
Family: Acanthizidae
IUCN Red List status: LC
CITES status: not listed
Trade evidence: no
Proportion Wild-caught: n.a.
Conservation Concern due to Domestic trade: n.a.
Conservation Concern due to International trade: n.a.
Population Declines due to Trade: n.a.
Level of Difficulty of Captive Breeding: unknown
Captive Breeding Effort: unknown
Selective Breeding for Altered Phenotypes: no
Subspecies in trade: n.a.

Fan-tailed Gerygone

Scientific name: Gerygone flavolateralis
Family: Acanthizidae
IUCN Red List status: LC
CITES status: not listed
Trade evidence: no
Proportion Wild-caught: n.a.
Conservation Concern due to Domestic trade: n.a.
Conservation Concern due to International trade: n.a.
Population Declines due to Trade: n.a.
Level of Difficulty of Captive Breeding: unknown
Captive Breeding Effort: unknown
Selective Breeding for Altered Phenotypes: no
Subspecies in trade: n.a.

Norfolk Gerygone

Scientific name: Gerygone modesta
Family: Acanthizidae
IUCN Red List status: NT
CITES status: not listed
Trade evidence: no
Proportion Wild-caught: n.a.
Conservation Concern due to Domestic trade: n.a.
Conservation Concern due to International trade: n.a.
Population Declines due to Trade: n.a.
Level of Difficulty of Captive Breeding: unknown
Captive Breeding Effort: unknown
Selective Breeding for Altered Phenotypes: no
Subspecies in trade: n.a.

Lord Howe Gerygone

Scientific name: Gerygone insularis
Family: Acanthizidae
IUCN Red List status: EX
CITES status: not listed
Trade evidence: no
Proportion Wild-caught: n.a.
Conservation Concern due to Domestic trade: n.a.
Conservation Concern due to International trade: n.a.
Population Declines due to Trade: n.a.
Level of Difficulty of Captive Breeding: unknown
Captive Breeding Effort: unknown
Selective Breeding for Altered Phenotypes: no
Subspecies in trade: n.a.

Grey Gerygone

Scientific name: Gerygone igata
Family: Acanthizidae
IUCN Red List status: LC
CITES status: not listed
Trade evidence: no
Proportion Wild-caught: n.a.
Conservation Concern due to Domestic trade: n.a.
Conservation Concern due to International trade: n.a.
Population Declines due to Trade: n.a.
Level of Difficulty of Captive Breeding: unknown
Captive Breeding Effort: unknown
Selective Breeding for Altered Phenotypes: no
Subspecies in trade: n.a.

Chatham Gerygone

Scientific name: Gerygone albofrontata
Family: Acanthizidae
IUCN Red List status: LC
CITES status: not listed
Trade evidence: no
Proportion Wild-caught: n.a.
Conservation Concern due to Domestic trade: n.a.
Conservation Concern due to International trade: n.a.
Population Declines due to Trade: n.a.
Level of Difficulty of Captive Breeding: unknown
Captive Breeding Effort: unknown
Selective Breeding for Altered Phenotypes: no
Subspecies in trade: n.a.

Brown-breasted Gerygone

Scientific name: Gerygone ruficollis
Family: Acanthizidae
IUCN Red List status: LC
CITES status: not listed
Trade evidence: no
Proportion Wild-caught: n.a.
Conservation Concern due to Domestic trade: n.a.
Conservation Concern due to International trade: n.a.
Population Declines due to Trade: n.a.
Level of Difficulty of Captive Breeding: unknown
Captive Breeding Effort: unknown
Selective Breeding for Altered Phenotypes: no
Subspecies in trade: n.a.

Mangrove Gerygone

Scientific name: Gerygone levigaster
Family: Acanthizidae
IUCN Red List status: LC
CITES status: not listed
Trade evidence: no
Proportion Wild-caught: n.a.
Conservation Concern due to Domestic trade: n.a.
Conservation Concern due to International trade: n.a.
Population Declines due to Trade: n.a.
Level of Difficulty of Captive Breeding: unknown
Captive Breeding Effort: unknown
Selective Breeding for Altered Phenotypes: no
Subspecies in trade: n.a.

Western Gerygone

Scientific name: Gerygone fusca
Family: Acanthizidae
IUCN Red List status: LC
CITES status: not listed
Trade evidence: no
Proportion Wild-caught: n.a.
Conservation Concern due to Domestic trade: n.a.
Conservation Concern due to International trade: n.a.
Population Declines due to Trade: n.a.
Level of Difficulty of Captive Breeding: unknown
Captive Breeding Effort: unknown
Selective Breeding for Altered Phenotypes: no
Subspecies in trade: n.a.


Scientific name: Smicrornis brevirostris
Family: Acanthizidae
IUCN Red List status: LC
CITES status: not listed
Trade evidence: no
Proportion Wild-caught: n.a.
Conservation Concern due to Domestic trade: n.a.
Conservation Concern due to International trade: n.a.
Population Declines due to Trade: n.a.
Level of Difficulty of Captive Breeding: unknown
Captive Breeding Effort: unknown
Selective Breeding for Altered Phenotypes: no
Subspecies in trade: n.a.


Scientific name: Pycnoptilus floccosus
Family: Acanthizidae
IUCN Red List status: LC
CITES status: not listed
Trade evidence: no
Proportion Wild-caught: n.a.
Conservation Concern due to Domestic trade: n.a.
Conservation Concern due to International trade: n.a.
Population Declines due to Trade: n.a.
Level of Difficulty of Captive Breeding: unknown
Captive Breeding Effort: unknown
Selective Breeding for Altered Phenotypes: no
Subspecies in trade: n.a.


Scientific name: Pyrrholaemus brunneus
Family: Acanthizidae
IUCN Red List status: LC
CITES status: not listed
Trade evidence: no
Proportion Wild-caught: n.a.
Conservation Concern due to Domestic trade: n.a.
Conservation Concern due to International trade: n.a.
Population Declines due to Trade: n.a.
Level of Difficulty of Captive Breeding: unknown
Captive Breeding Effort: unknown
Selective Breeding for Altered Phenotypes: no
Subspecies in trade: n.a.

Speckled Warbler

Scientific name: Pyrrholaemus sagittatus
Family: Acanthizidae
IUCN Red List status: LC
CITES status: not listed
Trade evidence: no
Proportion Wild-caught: n.a.
Conservation Concern due to Domestic trade: n.a.
Conservation Concern due to International trade: n.a.
Population Declines due to Trade: n.a.
Level of Difficulty of Captive Breeding: unknown
Captive Breeding Effort: unknown
Selective Breeding for Altered Phenotypes: no
Subspecies in trade: n.a.

Chestnut-rumped Heathwren

Scientific name: Calamanthus pyrrhopygius
Family: Acanthizidae
IUCN Red List status: LC
CITES status: not listed
Trade evidence: no
Proportion Wild-caught: n.a.
Conservation Concern due to Domestic trade: n.a.
Conservation Concern due to International trade: n.a.
Population Declines due to Trade: n.a.
Level of Difficulty of Captive Breeding: unknown
Captive Breeding Effort: unknown
Selective Breeding for Altered Phenotypes: no
Subspecies in trade: n.a.

Shy Heathwren

Scientific name: Calamanthus cautus
Family: Acanthizidae
IUCN Red List status: LC
CITES status: not listed
Trade evidence: no
Proportion Wild-caught: n.a.
Conservation Concern due to Domestic trade: n.a.
Conservation Concern due to International trade: n.a.
Population Declines due to Trade: n.a.
Level of Difficulty of Captive Breeding: unknown
Captive Breeding Effort: unknown
Selective Breeding for Altered Phenotypes: no
Subspecies in trade: n.a.

Striated Fieldwren

Scientific name: Calamanthus fuliginosus
Family: Acanthizidae
IUCN Red List status: LC
CITES status: not listed
Trade evidence: no
Proportion Wild-caught: n.a.
Conservation Concern due to Domestic trade: n.a.
Conservation Concern due to International trade: n.a.
Population Declines due to Trade: n.a.
Level of Difficulty of Captive Breeding: unknown
Captive Breeding Effort: unknown
Selective Breeding for Altered Phenotypes: no
Subspecies in trade: n.a.

Western Fieldwren

Scientific name: Calamanthus montanellus
Family: Acanthizidae
IUCN Red List status: LC
CITES status: not listed
Trade evidence: no
Proportion Wild-caught: n.a.
Conservation Concern due to Domestic trade: n.a.
Conservation Concern due to International trade: n.a.
Population Declines due to Trade: n.a.
Level of Difficulty of Captive Breeding: unknown
Captive Breeding Effort: unknown
Selective Breeding for Altered Phenotypes: no
Subspecies in trade: n.a.
Recommended citation: General citation: Bruslund, S. et al. (2023). Songbirds in Trade Database (version 1.0). Monitor Conservation Research Society. Accessed on September 29, 2024 at
Individual species citation: Bruslund, S. et al. (2023). [species scientific name] in Songbirds in Trade Database (version 1.0). Monitor Conservation Research Society. Accessed on September 29, 2024 at